Mothers Love : An Inspirational Mother’s Day Poem

A Mothers Love
Dear Mom,
On this day I want to thank you for being the kind of mother
that heroes are made of,
for every time you found a way
when there didn’t seem to be one,
thank you for the extraordinary things
you have done for me,
even when it was hard
or seemed impossible.
Thank you for showing me
the power of
of a mothers love.
I have love in my heart,
because you put it there,
God is at the center
of my life,
because you taught me
to put Him first.
Thank you for every time
you lifted me and covered
me with your prayers,
for blessing me with the dedication
of a mothers love.
I am who I am today because you
you believed in me.
Thank you for pushing me,
for not giving up on me,
even when I wanted to give up on myself.
You are the still voice of reason
that grounds me,
the fountain of wisdom that I return to
for guidance again and again.
Thank you for teaching me
the passion of a mothers love.
I know what love is
because you showed me.
Its more than a feeling…
It’s what you do for others,
and about selflessness and sacrifice.
Thank you for the wonderful
gift of your heart,
for putting so much of it
into my life.
Thank you for the sweetness
of a mothers love.
Copyright © 2017 Winfred Mathenge