positive poems


I have put together a treasure trove of positive poems for your inspiration and enjoyment. They are a beautiful reminder of how important it is to live in the moment, follow your passions and never give up. May you you stay positive and thrive, may you celebrate and love yourself  just the way you are. 

inspirational words

Inspirational Words for Your Day

May your journey be full of inspirational words,
and may you always find refuge in the eye of a storm….

inspirational words

help will arrive

Whoever you are,
Wherever you are,
no matter how long it’s been
that you’ve been traveling…
whatever you do,
don’t give up,
because just when you’ve gone as far
as you can go,
help will arrive…
and that is when you will know
It’s been there all the time. >>>

present moment

The present moment is more alive than the past.

The present moment, as small and brief
as it may seem…
a blink of an eye,
a flap of a butterfly’s wing,
is so much bigger than our biggest fears,
and more real than
every doubt we’ve ever entertained…

 It’s more alive than our past can ever be,
and the only place
full of the empty spaces
where the only limit is our imagination.